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There can be no construction without structural physics. We have integrated it in such a way that every design is thought through in relation to structural physics from the very first step. Because here too, we keep an eye on the whole spectrum of disciplines and avoid interfaces.

Open-minded with regard to material and construction type, we act as generalists during the design phase – also when developing concepts for structural physics and fire protection. Our engineers do not adopt the role of specialists until a later planning or construction phase and when details are being worked out.

If site conditions, structural design and aesthetic requirements are taken into account from the outset, the structural physics will not necessitate any subsequent improvements or cause costs to arise later on. This is resource-saving and calculable planning and construction.

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© ZPF Ingenieure
© ZPF Ingenieure
© ZPF Ingenieure
© ZPF Ingenieure
© ZPF Ingenieure
© ZPF Ingenieure
© AWB2022, Pati Grabowicz
© AWB2022, Pati Grabowicz
© AWB2022, Pati Grabowicz
© ZPF Ingenieure

GRID Campus of Collaboration
Resource efficiency also means assigning several functions to a single building element.

The balconies on the GRID Campus of Collaboration in Allschwil are more than just recreation zones: they also serve as escape routes (fire protection). The striking concrete partitions provide the building with horizontal bracing (support structure) as well as shade, so they are also part of the heat protection in summer (structural physics). In this construction, which is a result of spectral planning, different requirements interweave, reducing the number of layers and thus saving resources.

The construction is made possible by sophisticated structural details facilitating the transition from slabs to balconies, partitions for the transfer of vertical and horizontal forces, as well as comprehensive three-dimensional analysis of heat transmission at sensitive points.

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Contact partners.

Tobias Huber

Grad civil eng TU SIA

Basel · +41 61 386 99 67

Fabio Pesavento

Grad civil eng FH SIA · Grad energy eng PGS FH

VKF Fire Protection Specialist

Basel · +41 61 386 99 88

Spectral planning.